Setting up a whole marketing campaign can be difficult, frustrating, and costly in both time and money. Most groups only cover part of the process, forcing you to coordinate between different agencies, and try to balance costs every step of the way. If only there was a way to get everything done in one place by a team you can trust.
Luckily, RTC has the solution! With experts on every phase of direct mail marketing campaign development, we can walk you through every aspect of the process. From design, to mailing, and everything between, we’ve got you covered.
By streamlining the process of figuring out where every step is getting taken care of, you can rest easy knowing that the leading direct mail experts are handling your campaign.
By keeping your project all in one place, you’ll save time, money, and headaches. RTC is ready to get your message out there!
What We Do
We can walk you through every step of the way!
Start Strong
Our designers will work with you to identify your perfect demographic and tailor your message directly to them. With decades of experience, our specialists will make sure your mailers meet your vision for your campaign in a clear and professional way. With consistent contact with the design team, you’ll always be in the loop for your campaign!
Print The Highest Quality
Once you have your professional designs and demographics set, you’ll want them printed on the highest quality materials that best match your campaign goals. Our attentive and personalized digital printing service will make sure your mailers are exactly what you’re looking for with a wide range of materials and methods.
If you really want to surprise your audience, go beyond paper mailers and check out the world of promotional products! With over 3,000 suppliers RTC can make sure your items are exactly what you need to make a lasting impression. With shirts, USB drives, and customized bags, and many more, you can truly stand out from the competition.
Distribute Effectively
After everything is printed and organized for your target audiences, the last step is actually mailing them out. RTC can help you determine which distribution method is best for your particular campaign and audience. Whether you have a pre-built mailing list or not, we can make sure your mailers are addressed, stamped, and sent out in an organized and timely manner. Regardless of your deadline, we’ll get your materials out there!
We’re a family-owned business with decades of direct mail experience.
Who We Are
From start to finish, you want to trust the team handling your planning, printing, and distribution for your marketing campaigns. RTC’s all-in-one service can take care of all of our campaign needs! Throughout the process, we’ll stay in touch to make sure you’re getting exactly what you want.
We’re experts in the whole marketing process. For over three decades, RTC has served Shoemakersville and the surrounding area, and we’ve built our reputation on our high quality of customer service and individualized experience. When you’re planning your next direct mail marketing campaign, contact RTC to make it a success!