Mailers come in all shapes and sizes. Most often, they take the form of envelopes, postcards, and sometimes fliers. For major companies and corporations, they take it a step further. When they really want to make a statement and attract attention, they send out involved and interactive advertisements. These are designed to act as an activity on their own, but it goes beyond the initial interaction.
Once they are delivered, most mailers have served their purpose, only saved if they have a memorable image or useful coupon. When these big organizations decide to go big for their mailing campaigns however, the goal is to have buzz about the mailer go on long after the campaign has ended. Here are a few of the most memorable campaigns sent out by major companies:

This was in connection with the WWF’s Earth Hour event. This unique candle based advertisement was meant to draw attention to the fact that there is so much expended energy that could be conserved by turning unused electronics off. The audience for these mailers primarily consisted of CEOs. The idea was that these large business buildings have quite a few lights and electronics that are left on at night when no one is in the building. (2010)

The Italy-based company LavOnline wanted to demonstrate their ability to offer a comfortable, safe, fast, and high quality service. The company provides online booking for laundry services. To demonstrate the capability and ease of service, the company sent out a squishable tomato in a box that folds out to look like a white t-shirt. Beyond giving a product that showed off their company name, it also provided a fun game where customers could participate and try to splat their tomatoes on the target more than their friends! (2010)

This poster would not be out of place in the home of any horror movie fan, but in reality it’s an advertisement for Sweden’s top horror film festival Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest. The genius of this mailed advertisement is that the envelope looks different: it has holes in it and has a handwritten look to the address. Once opened, the ad has a cool and on brand message that folds out into a poster to be hung up, acting as a constant reminder that the event exists and knows how to properly advertise. (2010)

This box of seven vials, a compass, and a clock were sent out to advertise the launch of the new Jeep Cherokee. Immediately, this advertisement works on several levels. The vials are all full of things that are reminiscent of the adventure and capability of the new Cherokee by either representing or containing terrain or locations you’ll be able to enjoy in the off-roading vehicle. The compass and the clock represent being able to find time to go anywhere adventure takes you. All together, these pieces fit into the box to display the classic 7-slot grille and round light front of a jeep.
According to follow-up about the campaign, 76% of recipients came out to test drive the new Cherokee. (2014)
Advertisements with unique objects is a great way to attract attention and make your audience feel valuable. Usually, these turn out a great return on investment when properly planned and executed. All of these mailers were carried out with the assistance of a professional service. For your next direct mail campaign, go with a team of professionals who have been doing advertising for decades and know how to reach out to your audience effectively every time. Go with RTC.